Thursday, October 23, 2008

Psychological Defence

Task: Compile a set of pictures/photos of our national symbols (at least 3), accompanied by a short write-up of their significance/symbolism.


The Merlion is a statue with the head of a lion and the body of a fish. It is
significant to the country as it tells of the development of Singapore, from a tiny fishing village called Temasek, to the global city we live in now. It recalls the story of Sang Nila Utama, who saw a lion while hunting on an island, en route to Malacca. It is also the symbol of the Singapore Tourism Board.

Vanda Miss Joaquim

It was selected as the national flower because of its hardy and resilient qualities and its ability to bloom throughout the year. These are characteristics which reflect Singapore's quest for progress and excellence in all aspects of life. Singapore has the unique distinction of being the only nation to have a hybrid as its national flower.

Singapore’s Coat of Arms

The state armorial bearings consist of a shield emblazoned with a white crescent moon and five white stars against a red background. Red is symbolic of universal brotherhood and equality of man, and white signifies pervading and everlasting purity and virtue. The crescent moon represents a young nation rising. The five stars represent the five ideals of democracy, peace, progress, justice and equality.

Supporting the shield are a lion on the dexter and a tiger on the sinister. Below the shield is a banner inscribed with the Republic's motto, Majulah Singapura (Onward Singapore). The lion represents Singapore itself and the tiger, the island's historical links with Malaya (Peninsular Malaysia).


  1. In my opinion I think the Merlion is a national landmark, but I'm not sure if that can be considered a symbol. Anyway the rest of your symbols and explanations are quite accurate :)

  2. Aah sorry I realised I forgot to put my name in the above comment! I also want to comment more.. I like the interesting facts that you put, like how Singapore is the only nation to have a hybrid as a national flower. I think that's really cool and it makes Singapore special!


  3. Looking at the symbols, I feel proud to be a Singaporean. Our national symbols are pretty yet meaningful, with a reason behind the choice of colours and design. The information is very useful and all Singaporeans should be aware of it too, as this plays an important part in Singapore's Psychological Defence
