Thursday, October 23, 2008

Psychological Defence

Task: Design a 1-day tour itinerary for a heritage trail around Singapore (including a short description of each place)


9am -9.30am - Meet at Chinatown MRT Station

9.30am – 11.30am - Visit Thian Hock Keng Temple

11.30am – 1pm - Lunch at Lau Pa Sat

1pm – 2.30pm - Tour of Arab Street

2.30pm – 4pm - Malay Heritage Centre

4pm – 6pm - Tour of Little India’s Arts Belt

6pm - End of Tour

Description of Areas

1. Thian Hock Keng Temple

It was built by immigrants from China and Malaya since 1839 as a place to give thanks for safe passage across often treacherous seas. One of Singapore’s oldest temples, it has changed through the years, from a small joss house into a popular tourist attraction.

2. Arab Street

Arab Street epitomizes the Arabian way of life. Conservatively-dressed Muslims hurrying towards the Mosque for prayers, robe-clad Arab men puffing away on their apple-flavoured tobacco pipes and cigars, women wearing black abayas (robes for Middle eastern women) haggling and a variety of ethnic Arab goods can all be observed in this street.

3. Malay Heritage Centre

Its nine galleries showcase the history, aspirations and role of Singapore Malays towards nation-building. Visitors will get to discover the seafaring might of the Bugis people, the regalia of Malay royalty and golden years of the Malay entertainment industry.

4. Little India’s Arts Belt

Tourists can look at examples of Art Deco-style shophouses, brassware and other crafts, have their photograph taken in traditional Indian costumes and enjoy the Islamic-influenced performing arts of Gamelan, silat and Angklung. There are many iconic Hindu emblems on display.


  1. Maybe you could avoid repeating the Thian Hock Keng Temple for your itineries?
    The other 3 areas are interesting!

  2. Forgot to put my name again. Sorry. Above comment posted by Charmaine!

  3. Hmm.. I was wondering what religion the Thian Hock Keng Temple was under. The itenery tour is overall well-planned, and Singaporeans should all feel proud of these places of interests. It shows a very large range of different ethnic groups in Singapore, and yet we are able to stay united together with multiple races and religions on this little island. Interesting and informative write-ups!

  4. Also, tourists in Singapore must be so impressed to see these places!
